My Journey
Education and Certifications
NES Health Practitioner and Bioenergetic Health Coach Certificate April 15, 2023
Certified HeartMath Interventions Practitioner 2017- Present
HeartMath Heart Brain Sync for Success 8 week Course Nov 2018;
Add Heart Facilitator Sept 2017
HeartMath Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety and Self Regulation 2020
Certified Food As Medicine Informed Professional November 2023
IHeLP Integrative Health and Lifestyle Program Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine August 2016-March 2017
IHeLP AWCIM Alumni 2017 to Present --Completion Certificates in Various subjects 2012-2022
American College of Lifestyle Medicine Course Bundle Lifestyle Medicine and Food as Medicine Essentials Nov 2022
Certified Gluten Practitioner Dr Thomas O'Bryan DC completed 9/3/2018
Functional Nutrition Lab Digestive Intensive February 2018
Functional Nutrition Lab Reframe Nutrition March 2018
BioReprogramming Modules 1 through 4 Isabelle Bonarous 2018
Signature Cell Healing Practitioner Certification Level 1 and 2 Kahu Fred Sterling February 2014
Masters of Science Biology and Science for Medical Technology University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT 1979
Masters of Science Physician Assistant Studies Specialty in General Pediatrics University of Nebraska DLO 2003
Certification Physician Associate Yale University School of Medicine Physician Associate Program 1990
Bachelor of Science Medical Technology Colby Sawyer College and Yale School of Medical Technology 1973
NCCPA Certified Physician Assistant Continuously from 1991-2025
Although I was in medical practices for years, I am retired and cannot diagnose, treat patients or prescribe. I am owner of Rejuvenation Wave LLC, and a LifeWave Brand Partner and an Independent Healy World Member

My goal is to enlighten you to the new technologies out there, demonstrate them and have you decide. I am not a medical doctor. I cannot diagnose, treat or prescribe. I can use my experience and the technology, to clarify and integrate this new learning into your life.

What to Expect with Health Coaching
To be included depending on the plan you choose:
A One-hour one-on-one discussion with me about your health goals, challenges, and priorities. By phone, Google Meet, Facetime, or in person ( if local) Number of sessions based on plans.
A 30-minute follow-up discussion once changes have been implemented to answer questions and check progress with the HeartMath Practice session.
Includes a NES Health BioEnergetic Scan of the body field by hand scanner if in person or by voice scan if remote. Takes 10 seconds and is available immediately.
Interpretation and Suggestions are discussed during the session.
A written personalized report based on your scan results outlining our conversation and a clear concise formulation of a plan of action. Includes comparisons to previous scans.
A Free protocol and Recommendations for lifestyle changes, Nutrition discussions, sleep and exercise recommendations, review of lab results if available, discussion of the use of Infoceuticals, and if appropriate, use of the MiHealth Device.
One Biofeedback Teaching session with HeartMath Techniques and use of Technology if available. Practice, handouts, podcasts, and training in resilience and coherence.
A free ebook each month from HeartMath or NES Health. Access to your own personal Website with NES Health for free music, meditations, podcasts, and information about Bioenergetics. Access at any time to each of your scans with interpretations.
Written handouts on Lifestyle suggestions, nutrition recommendations, and mind-body techniques. Recommendations for further testing, if appropriate. Information about where to get further testing. Free report to your health care provider if requested.
Free stuff!! As you continue through the program: 2 Feel Good Infoceuticals with the purchase of the recommended protocol, a Complementary Meditation Credit based on your personal scans, and Free samples of LifeWave X39 phototherapy patches.